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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Nothing Lasts Forever- new work by artist, Peter Harris

Artist, Peter Harris will be exhibiting new work at Bob's Your Uncle in Fort Point. Come check out the show, Nothing Lasts Forever, this Thursday, August 5th from 5-7 PM. 25 Channel Center Street. Learn more about Peter's work at www.smallbluechair.com.
above: Comb 71" x 46" inkjet 2010

'Made in Fort Point' August Artist: Tom Wojciechowski

Artist Tom Wojciechowski is August's Featured Artist in the Made in Fort Point store located at 12 Farnesworth Street, Fort Point Boston. The new collection of work entitled "Engraved" will on view for the opening reception, August 12. 2010 from 5-PM. Come meet and greet the artist and be sure to pick up a signed copy of his book.

"Collected over the past fifteen years, these images of found text take advantage of the simple fact that names can also be words and that every word has many meanings. The pieces are assembled as phrases, sentences or lists, and willfully confuse the act of looking with the act of reading." -Wojciechowski
Tom Wojciechowski is a visual artist working in a variety of media including painting, books and photographic projects. For more information go to www.tomwojciechowski.com.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hello Jello

What more can you ask for on a summer evening other then neighborhood friends, hotdogs and Jello?

This years FPAC summer park party brought out a crowd of locals who came and enjoyed a delicious spread at Wormwood park. Thanks to everyone who came and to all that helped out!
Check out some of the party pics and a few of the entries for the Jello molding competition.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Let them eat cake! FPAC Park Party!

Join FPAC this Wednesday, July 28th 2010 from 5:30-8PM for the FPAC park party in Wormwood Park (corner of A street and Wormwood). It's time put the paintbrushes down to enjoy some tasty tid-bits from local FP restaurants and cafes. Bring your own cookies, cakes savories and drinks to share with your neighbors and friends.

Up for some wiggle competition? Break out the Jello and get your mold on! Bring your molded Jello creations to the park party and score your pic on the FPAC blog. Get inspiration from L.A. artist Liz Hickok who casts entire cities made from Jello. think you can do better?